Thursday, October 29, 2009

Uniquely Qualified....

So, the fun begins (again) with hiring. I need someone to fill in on my one day off (and a day in November when drag races are in order and a night in December when I am bartending...only Dr. B gets the Bartender-a-go-go doors and shakers to open- he booked me in February and its our 4th year- I really must keep my commitment!) So, I post a basic post and let people know the expectations, what I need etc., I always scratch my head and make faces (that I immediately remind myself "your face could freeze that way" so I unscrunch;)...It's always so people respond to help wanted ads....don't get me wrong...I don't begrudge...I had some serious time of resume sending and applying for many jobs that I was overqualified for and a few that I was underqualified for...however, I customized my cover letter to actually relate to the position posted and I never...NEVER...just sent my phone number and said "CALL ME"....I must admit, I just delete those responses. I purposely request certain information to be included in the reply email, I do this when I have a rental too- are you paying attention? Can you follow directions? Many times...the answer is NO. And we all know how I feel about misspellings....OMG....spell check OR at least use the proper word...if you are not available for the hours posted, please don't reply and OH, do not send seven...7...SEVEN emails FOR someone else, in response to a post, don't do this for yourself either...and OMG, do not request a read receipt, I GOT IT...I GOT EM ALL! hehehe. And...when someone is requesting a part time reservation agent...your modeling website, probably not equivalent to a resume...

Okay, this (mostly) concludes my rant. This is valuable advice. Pass it on if you think it could be helpful:).

I am optimistic that Monday's interviews will bring me a smart and savvy individual who will work out just fine. (Speaking of working out...I Really Really need to find a gym here in SC....wish me luck on that!)

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