Thursday, September 2, 2010

Motel or Pawn Shop....Getting difficult to distinguish!

Well, summer is nearly over (by hospitality standards it ends on Labor Day..) We were blessed with cool temperatures this year, I am grateful to say the least. We had a lot of clouds though, July only had about 6 days of sunshine and now its September and supposed to be in the 80's according to the weather channel...and we have had marine layer for the past few days...(funny that it was difficult for me to NOT capitalize marine in marine layer...we are so close to Camp Pendleton...I think "Marine" rather than marine, hehehehe) Anywho, hoping we don't get a scorcher for September and October...Mid 70's is HEAVEN!

We have definitely felt the effects of the economy and I am hearing stories daily that make my jaw drop. Right now, I have a Sony Vaio that may be getting sold off next week to pay for 2 days that a guest couldn't cover (we take payment in advance and he disappeared for 2 nights, came back apologetic, checked out and left me his laptop with a promise of returning Tuesday...2 days ago, Tuesday...) Soo...I left him a friendly voice mail and reminded him that we are not a pawn shop, so we don't hold things for 30 days prior to selling them;)...checked guests in today, paid cash for the room, no credit card for deposit, no extra cash, so she left me her iPod, will hold on to it until the housekeeper confirms that they didn't smoke in the room or do any damage...Interesting times!

Had a family emergency mid August and that really brought the fact that I am the only person who works here, to the forefront. I had a brainstorm and hired my houskeeper's English speaking niece who had worked front desk and housekeeping at another little spot up the street. I was so excited...she could come in and do housekeeping and keep the cordless with her and tend to reservation calls as well as walk ins...brilliant! And this wouldn't impact payroll much because it would be the other gals day fantastic!

Short lived...she came in on Sunday, 30 minutes early, which might seem great, but not when you are watching payroll pennies...that was okay, the fact that she asked if she could leave early, like 3 hours early...well...she says her husband doesn't like her working Sundays...hmm, well, since I hired her only for Sundays...clearly this isn't going to work out! I let her know, um, no you cannot leave at 3, I need you to work till 6 ( last day off was June, 2.5 months ago...nobody is messing with my ONE day off, had plans in place, mom came to town...I really needed some time away from the motel...and needed a little fun...) So, I had a day off, it was great, and now, I am once again looking for a very part time helper...but the one day off really helped so I feel temporarily refreshed:).

Based on the fact that I had to race back and forth to the hospital in San Diego and had no one to cover for me here, I am making sure I have a back up here, this isn't my business, and my family comes first...I honor my commitment here so it was a very trying time...

Hmm, apologies as this wasn't very entertaining! Will report soon with some antics from guests...there is actually too much to I get tripped up thinking, "oh man, I will post this, but wait, this is funny too, and this, then someone else walks in and there is just so much material!"

Happy Labor Day All!

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